What Motivated Tim McGraw to Get Healthy

It was roughly decade ago at a Four Christmases premiere when one of Tim McGraw’s daughters noticed that her dad wasn’t in his best shape on the screen. While watching one of his first scenes, she said to him, “Dad, you really should do something.”

McGraw, 51, recalled the memory at the January launch of his new TRUMAV gym in Nashville as an example of what initially motivated him back then to adopt a healthier lifestyle. He cut alcohol from his life, and over two years, he lost 40 pounds, thanks to the lack of booze and twice-daily workouts.

Grit & Grace: Train the Mind, Train the Body, Own Your Life, McGraw’s upcoming book due out Nov. 5, chronicles his personal health journey. Sections will also be dedicated to exercise tips and his mental approach.

“I’ve gone through a physical transformation in the last 10 years, but it’s not just my appearance that has changed,” McGraw tells People. “My mind is clearer, my sense of purpose is sharper, and my relationships are deeper. Consistent physical exercise helps me bring focus to my life and to the people who mean the most to me.”

McGraw has been named among People’s Sexiest Men Alive at least twice. Grit & Grace is his fourth book following 2016’s Humble and Kind and the My Little Girl series.

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Lauren Tingle is a Tennessean and storyteller who eats music for breakfast, lunch and dinner. When she’s not writing or rocking out, she enjoys yoga and getting lost in the great outdoors.