The Return of Carrie Underwood

When your first baby is born, you’re kind of a rookie at everything. But when your second baby is born, you become a seasoned pro of motherhood. And such is the case with Carrie Underwood, who just started sharing the ups and downs of parenting two young boys — Isaiah, 4 years old, and Jacob, 2 months old — with her fans and followers on Twitter over the past few days.

First their was her confusion over Isaiah’s expanding vocabulary:

Then there was her attitude of gratitude for her husband Mike Fisher and the gift of peace and quiet he gave her:

She also gave every mother permission to look at housework as a legit workout:

And again with Isaiah’s creative vocabulary:

Finally, there was Underwood’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. How bad? Well, there was a naked, screaming Jacob in a restaurant, and a stranger who offered to buy Underwood a drink. That bad.

Alison makes her living loving country music. She’s based in Chicago, but she’s always leaving her heart in Nashville.