The Reason Kane Brown Made “Homesick” a Military Salute

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At the start of Kane Brown’s “Homesick” video, there’s a dedication to the brave men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces. And by the time you reach the end of the video, you’ll understand why Brown did what he did.

Even though he wrote the song with his daughter-to-be in mind, he knows that his time on the road is nothing compared to the time our troops spend away from home.

We caught up with Brown to talk about the way he made this video all about those soldiers coming home.

Q. These kinds of surprise military homecoming videos never get old. I’ve watched this video about a hundred times and still cry. Every time. Do you still get choked up watching it, or even when you’re just singing it?

A. “Homesick” is a very emotional song. And we asked fans to submit real videos, so I have a very personal connection to each of these homecoming videos because those people are my fans.

Q. For some reason the University of Notre Dame basketball player scene gets me the most, when Matt Farrell’s brother returned early from Afghanistan and surprised him at a game. Do you have a favorite scene? Or one that hits closest to home for you?

A. The soldier meeting his baby for the first time is a really powerful scene. We actually plan to make another “Homesick” video inspired by that story alone.

Q. How did you and your team go about collecting these powerful homecoming videos, and then narrowing them down to the ones you featured?

A. We asked fans to submit their homecoming videos, and the response was unbelievable.

Q. What made you choose the Joint Forces Training Base in California as the setting for your performance in the video?

A. I was in Los Angeles for a concert and they were kind enough to let us use their facility.

Q. I know who you wrote the song with: Brock Berryhill, Matt McGinn and Taylor Phillips. But that’s about all I know. Can you tell me what that write was like?

A. We wrote the song one night when we were out on the road. We were headed back from shows in the Carolinas, and we stayed up all night finishing the song. We were rolling into Nashville when I sang the last part of the demo.

Q. Even though living the life of a touring artist probably makes you have all these homesick emotions, you chose instead to feature the military in the video. Was that your vision, or did that idea come from the director?

A. We wanted to do something that gave a broader view of the song. Obviously, being out on the road makes me miss my family and my dogs and my home. But the soldiers who are overseas sacrifice so much, and I wanted to honor them.

Q. With a baby girl on the way, your homesickness is likely going to hit an all-time high every time you walk out the door to get on the bus to play a show. How do you think that will change things for you as a touring artist? Or will you and your wife bring the baby on the road?

A. Fortunately, I believe we’ll be able to bring the baby out on the road. My wife already comes to most of my shows with me and we plan to get a special bus with a crib that’s just for our family.

Brown’s wife Katelyn Jae has already mastered how to juggle her to-do lists while she’s on the road with him. In May, she graduated from the Berklee College of Music in Boston.

Brown’s next stop will be on July 11 in Canada at the Ottawa Bluesfest.

Alison makes her living loving country music. She’s based in Chicago, but she’s always leaving her heart in Nashville.