Mike Fisher Praises God for His Perfect Timing

Shortly after Carrie Underwood shared the big (little) news about her brand new baby boy Jacob Bryan, born on Jan. 21, her husband Mike Fisher got emotional in his own Instagram post about their second son.

“Jacob Bryan Fisher! You are a gift from our Lord,” Fisher wrote to accompany a close up picture of his baby’s sweet face snuggled up against his chest.

“The last few years has has had its challenges and it makes this moment even more sweet! We didn’t know if Izzy would ever have another sibling but we learned through it all that God is in control and his timing is perfect,” he added. Izzy is Fisher and Underwood’s first son Isaiah, who will turn three next month.

“He is good all the time even in the difficult times that are hard to understand,” he said. Fisher ended his post with two simple hashtags — #grateful and #miraclebaby — alluding to the trouble he and Underwood had trying to conceive and carry a healthy baby.

Hundreds of fans, followers and friends commented on Fisher’s post with congratulations. A few celebrities joined in, like Lady Antebellum’s Hillary Scott, the band High Valley, and Brad Paisley. And Paisley’s wife Kimberly Williams Paisley, mother to Huck and Jasper, responded to the post with some parenting wisdom she’s collected over the past 11 years. “Boys are so fun to raise,” she told Fisher.

Alison makes her living loving country music. She’s based in Chicago, but she’s always leaving her heart in Nashville.