Maren Morris: Innocent Ears & Hot Chicken

I think Maren Morris may be on to something.

Instead of having a massive album listening party in some massive arena somewhere, why not just go across the pond and rent a flat and pick a handful of your most loyal fans to give it a go? Think way more intimate and way less impersonal.

After having spent about a week in London, Morris tweeted about her flat party on Tuesday night (Nov. 27), saying that she shared several songs with 25 of her fans, and they talked about the stories behind them. And they ate hot chicken.

In a behind-the-scenes video of the listening party, Morris says she is relieved to be finally getting some feedback on her sophomore album. “To have innocent ears — just complete purity — listen to them without any politics involved,” Morris said, “that was the first time fans were listening to those songs.”

“It’s been unleashed,” she says with a sigh of relief at the end of the night.

As an added bonus, as fans started to share their thoughts about the new music on social media, Morris retweeted their tweets. (If there were any lukewarm reactions, we didn’t see them.)

Alison makes her living loving country music. She’s based in Chicago, but she’s always leaving her heart in Nashville.