Hot 20: Luke Bryan’s in Awe of the Early Bird Fans

Oh, the places you’ll go. If you love Luke Bryan. And Riviera Maya. And water.

Even Bryan himself sounds kind of in awe over the lengths his fans will go to to get a front row spot for his show. “There were fans that physically got in the pool at 6:30 a.m. to save the spot. And no one ever saw them leave the pool,” Bryan told Cody Alan. who caught up with him for an all-new episode of CMT Hot 20. “So what do you think?”

And he’s not wrong. When you see the aerial shots of Bryan’s Crash My Playa event — which took place Jan. 23-26 this year — it’s obvious that you’d need to get up very early to be right up front. Because the country fans are packed in tight in all the pools, lounge areas and beaches surrounding the stage at the concert venue, Playa Azul.

This year was Bryan’s fifth year of doing these festivals in Mexico, and if he has it down to a science, then so do his fans. It’s been a while since I’ve gone to a general admission concert, but I will never forget the unwritten rules:

1. Do some pre-show reconnaissance.
2. When they open the gate, run like hell.
3. Establish your position long before the opener takes the stage.
4. Stand your ground no matter what.
5. Make friends with your neighbors so they can hold your spot during restroom breaks, and vice versa.
6. That said, it’s always smart to go before you go.

Check out the entire Bryan conversation on an all-new, special Crash My Playa episode of Hot 20 airing Saturday and Sunday (Feb. 2-3) at 9 a.m. ET.

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Alison makes her living loving country music. She’s based in Chicago, but she’s always leaving her heart in Nashville.