Mitch Rossell Keeps “American Dream” Alive in New Video

We all have our own version of the American dream, and for Mitch Rossell, it comes down to hard work. Take a look at his brand new video for “American Dream,” then read our exclusive Q&A below the player.

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What do you remember most about the shoot for this video?

I remember how great everyone did in their respective roles. From the people behind the scenes to the ones in the video, everyone was incredibly easy to work with and did such a great job with this project. It was a long two days worth of shooting and everyone handled it like pros.

How does the video bring your song to life?

To me it just depicts what makes being an American such a special thing. If you have a dream or a desire and you want to achieve it, it’s really up to you and how much work you’re willing to put in as to whether or not you can make it a reality. This video just follows one family’s American dream, but I think we can all see parts of ourselves in this family.

What message do you hope your fans take away from the video?

I hope the message they take away is that despite how much the noise tries to divide us, let’s take a second to remember that our common ground is much bigger than our differences. I believe that most of us can get behind the idea of the true American dream. The idea that you can go as far as you want to go based on how much you’re willing to work and earn it. Our country isn’t perfect, but I still believe it’s the greatest one in the world…and a lot of that to me, is because of the rights we have to be who we wanna be. I believe most Americans want that life for themselves and especially for their children.

How did it feel to see the finished product for the first time?

Full body chills honestly. I’m so blessed to be living the American dream and there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t thank God for that. Seeing this video just brought a lot of emotions over me. The same ones that were in the room when we wrote the song. I’m so proud and honored to be a part of this project!