ICYMI: Keith Urban Has Encouraging Words for Country Music

Keith Urban was supposed to host this year’s ACM Awards on Sunday night (April 5). But since the show had to be postponed, the Academy of Country Music put together a special ACM PRESENTS: OUR COUNTRY to run in its place. It was two hours of country artists bringing music into your homes by performing in theirs.

And Urban went first. But he did more than just play a song. He was effusive in his praise, encouraging in his words, and earnest in his hope for life on the other side of the coronavirus pandemic.

“I want to add my thanks — me, Nic (Nicole Kidman), our girls — we all say thank you so much to the first responders out there, and everybody in the healthcare field all over, we thank you so much. And the public safety officers as well, we say thank you. There is an insurmountable amount of people who are out there on the front lines working day and night and risking so much for so many,” Urban said. “This is a very, very strange time. And the one thing I believe is that music is an incredible healing mechanism and an incredible way for us to come together and connect, especially at times like this.

“I of course was meant to be hosting the ACMs tonight in Vegas, but we are now looking to be doing them September 16. I cannot wait to be a part of that. So tonight I am here in our home, in our living room — well, the studio but it feels like the living room — and I was trying to think of what song to do. And I thought about this one, because in a lot of ways the thing I miss is being around people, I miss being able to play live music, and being around people and being together, as humans being together. And we wrote this song a while ago, but I feel in some ways it’s taken on a different kind of meaning right now.”

After his “Wasted Time,” Urban urged everyone to do their part, but also to look forward to being together again. Like he is.

“Please stay safe out there. And I want to say to every one of you, remember that we get through this, like everything, together. Together we are stronger. And I promise you we will get through this and I’ll be seeing you guys in September to truly celebrate.”

Alison makes her living loving country music. She’s based in Chicago, but she’s always leaving her heart in Nashville.
