Home Free Reenact a Heartbreak in “Love You Like That” Video

On stage, Home Free can blend beautifully, but in their personal lives, they have experienced breakups like the rest of us. Those moments of vulnerability are what inspired their brand new music video, “Love You Like That.”

Check out their latest project, then read our exclusive Q&A with Home Free’s Austin Brown below the player.

What do you remember most about the shoot for this music video?

The video was shot in two separate settings. One day, we filmed with the whole group just outside of Nashville in a big, open field. It was beautiful. The second day was just me and an actress down in Panama City Beach, Florida.

That day definitely set the tone for the video because I had to essentially relive moments from my past relationship that inspired the song. I wasn’t expecting to feel so vulnerable in that setting, but I definitely was — and I think that unexpected vulnerability really reflects in the video.

How does the video bring your song to life?

Most serious relationships tend to be a roller coaster ride, and the one that inspired “Love Me Like That” was no exception. I think this video manages to showcase that uncertainty that always comes with a breakup and that inevitable reminiscing on the high points in the relationship that follows. It’s the perfect visual complement to the track, and I think it’s one of the most honest and well-executed clips we’ve ever released.

Embedded from www.youtube.com.

What message do you hope your fans take away from the video?

I feel like this song and the video are both so relatable because most people have experienced a heartbreaking split at some point in their lives. So, just knowing that they’re not alone when they’re going through tough times like that — that’s what I hope they take from this.

I’ve already had fans come up to me and tell me how much they see themselves in this song, and I’m sure even more will come forward after watching the video. Overall, just the fact that our artistry truly touches people to their core is the most amazing feeling. It makes everything — even the heartbreak that inspired this song — worthwhile.

How did it feel to see the finished product for the first time?

Seeing the video for the first time was honestly bittersweet because it was everything that I envisioned it would be — but I’d be lying if I said it was easy to see myself in such a vulnerable state.

Watching your heartbreak play out on screen can be a bit overwhelming, you know? But again, I think it’s one of the most well-executed visions we’ve had, and I couldn’t be prouder of the finished product. I hope fans love it as much as we do.

Writers: Austin Brown, Jeffrey Joseph East, Steven Martinez; Director: Dustin Haney