For the Sister Trio Dozzi, New Love Is “Worth the Wait”

The three sisters of Dozzi hail from Australia but they’ve called Nashville home since 2016. Their powerful harmonies are on full display in “Worth the Wait,” which they co-wrote with The Voice contestant Barrett Baber.

With Andrea (on mandolin), Jesse (on guitar), and Nina (on keyboards), the Dozzi sisters trace a budding romance in their newest release. Take a look at “Worth the Wait,” then read our interview below the player.

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What do you remember most about the shoot for this video?

We shot our performance piece over a few hours. Everything was organized and ready to shoot until we suddenly ran into a little bit of a last-minute hiccup. On the day of the shoot, we found out that the piano we were going to use was sold!

So during hair and makeup, we were endlessly searching and calling different places to find another one. We ended up getting a rental which worked out so much better. Can you imagine three women in glam and wardrobe lifting and moving an old rusty piano onto a wet, cold field of grass and mud? It surely was a sight to see and a moment we won’t forget. Everything happens for a reason!

How does the video bring your song to life?

Hayden Ralph and Tess Erskine (our two actors) were so incredible. They are already a couple so they naturally had such authentic chemistry. Just watching the progression of their love story unfold was really what we wanted to focus on.

When we were discussing the ways of making it come to life with the director (Zack Dyer) he really understood where/how we could make that work. It turned out even better than we expected.

What message do you hope your fans take away from the video?

No relationship is easy. Every relationship is thrown curveballs that you sometimes can’t control but the true love stories are the ones that stick together through those obstacles and come out stronger in the end. When a relationship ends it just means that something even better is coming along and it’s worth all the ’not-meant-to-be’s.

How did it feel to see the finished product for the first time?

This was a long time coming to see the final product. The director actually had a hard drive crash right when he was at his final edit. Then once he got it back his place was actually severely hit by the recent Nashville tornado. It somehow survived through all that so it was even more special to get this when we did. It was…WORTH THE WAIT!

Songwriters: Andrea Dozzi, Jessie Dozzi, Jordan Dozzi & Barrett Baber; Director: Zack Dyer