Chris Janson’s Wife and Daughter Were Behind the Cameras While He Brought the Good Vibes In

It’s hard to hang on to any bad vibes you might be feeling right now when a guy like Chris Janson is just casually bringing an hour of good ones into your home.

On Sunday night (March 22), Janson recruited his wife Kelly and his 8-year-old daughter Georgia to film his virtual concert while they — just like most of the rest of the world — are staying home to slow the spread of conoravirus and to stay socially distant (but very mindfully present).

Armed with just a guitar, his trusty harmonica, and a glass of water, Janson took requests, told stories and played the music his fans love him for: the heartfelt ballads, the redneck crowd pleasers and even a couple classic country covers.

“When I wrote ’Good Vibes,’ we were complaining around. I was in kind of a bad mood. And I had to change the narrative,” Janson said to the fans watching online. “It’s just my opinion: the times we’re living in — for last couple weeks and for the short foreseeable future — you’ve gotta try to change the narrative, and you have to bring positivity to the world.

“Remember if you’re watching this, that means you woke up today. So you’re blessed to be alive.”

About halfway through his living room show, Janson shared the inspiration for one of his deeper cuts. “In our house we pray over everything,” he said of ’Hang On.’ “So we’ve been praying over this whole coronavirus situation. We pray through the high times and the low times. We’re in the valley together right now, people. And this song was inspired by those kinds of feelings and by prayer. I hope it lifts you up a little bit.”

“Prayer gets me through,” he added. “I hope prayer gets you through, too.”

The full set list from Janson’s super laid-back home gig:

“Good Vibes”


“Beer Me”

“Drunk Girl”

“Buy Me a Boat”

“Fix a Drink”

“Hang On”

“Everybody’s Goin’ Through Something”

Merle Haggard’s “Footlights”

“Holdin’ Her”

George Strait’s “I Can Still Make Cheyenne”

Johnny Cash’s “Folsom Prison Blues”

A reprise of “Good Vibes”

Alison makes her living loving country music. She’s based in Chicago, but she’s always leaving her heart in Nashville.
