After a Heartbreak, LJ Picks Up the Pieces in “Pick Me”

Singer-songwriter LJ is letting her guard down in her brand new video, “Pick Me.”

A native of Houston, Texas, who moved to Nashville in 2017, LJ has been working on a full-length album, with “Pick Me” hinting at more music to come. Take a look, then read our exclusive interview below the player.

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What do you remember most about the shoot for this video?

I had a few of my closest friends come out to the shoot along with my team and my husband Ricky. It was so special to have them all there to support me. We all talked about how there was just an energy in the room that made us feel like this was going to be a big moment for me.

While I was getting my hair and makeup done, Rick sat in for me on set while Randy was getting the lighting set. It was pretty hilarious. He sang along to the song and Randy even started filming him some. Maybe one day I will have to share some of that footage! Ha!

But after everything was in place, I walked over and sat on the stool for the first few shots, and I just remember the weight of this song and the lyrics come over me. I knew this song had the power to heal someone, so I knew I had a responsibility to show that same level of vulnerability in my performance.

How does the video bring your song to life?

As the video progresses you can see how the lyrics really added this sense of pain and struggle in my performance. It was actually pretty heavy for me as I reflected on the feeling of loving someone, yet knowing the need to let them go.

What message do you hope your fans take away from the video?

I hope that they see that it’s OK to be exactly who they are. And that good, healthy relationships don’t require anyone to change drastically. To me, this song is an anthem for those people in the heat of heartbreak.

How did it feel to see the finished product for the first time?

It’s really hard to describe feelings that deep, but I just felt truly grateful, and excited, and strong. I felt ready to carry this message to the world.

Writers: LJ, Jeremy Stover, Paul DiGiovanni; Director: Randy Shaffer